I don't know why, but I started reading Twilight again. And... I can honestly say I really, really like it. xD I like it better than the first time I read it. Don't know if I'm gonna read the rest of the books again though, I really hated them. I like really struggled getting through that shit. Twilight is great, New Moon is good, Eclipse is soooooooo boring, and Breaking Dawn is laughable. So that means I read two boring books, just to find out the ending is shit. O.o What do you think about it? You liked the ending?
I'm so weak to cheesey love stories like Twilight, Romeo and Juliet... You know, when there's real love and you do anything for the other person. It's the way it should be when you love someone, you do anything for them. Romeo and Edward were willing to die for someone they love. Fucking wish someone would do that for me. >.>
shoot me.
it's 3.42 am now. Yay! i took two sandwiches and milk chocolate so now i'll defo not go back to sleep >.>
today... i have a meeting with my principal to talk about stuff. i don't even know what tbh. will be interesting >.>
okay, so this was my little rant xD but it's MY blog so i'm allowed to rant in it
Pocahontas father Powhatan was the leader of loads of tribes and even the language they spoke was named after him. i think that's soo cool, but maybe i'm just nerdy? xD no one knows the Powhatan language today, but they know like 150 words because John Smith had written them down in a book. in that book is also where it says Pocahontas rescued him... but she was only like 6? so there was no romance going on there >.>
speaking about history i finally know what i wanna do with my life, and it feels GOOD! it's like this huge weight is off my chest because i finally know what to aim for. the bitch will be succeeding :S i'm not the best in school xD but Yeah, i wanna be a history teacher ^^
we'll see how that goes... xD jk
(i'll just add a pretty pic of Pocahontas because she's like the most stunning Disney princess ;D)

time zones.
okay, so i just had this crazy thought.
i know what you must feel 'Nate's been thinking, run! O:' jk xD but like seriously this is pretty clever or... yeah, you judge Haha
i hope you know about time zones or this won't make any sense to you. i was looking in this Atlas and it had a map over the different time zones. we all know 0 is in Britain... and then to the east... it's east, isn't it? xD the right on a map... like to Russia it's plus (+). so like if you go to the very east of Russia you've moved "forward" in time. and same if you're in Britain and go to America you've moved back in time cause it's the... west? Haha, anyway the hours are minus (-) there >.<
so... what crossed my head is that let's say you're at the very east of Russia... and it's noon. exactly 12 o'clock. and then you move to the east in the exact right speed so the clock keeps being 12. like since you're moving 'minus' in the time zones, it should work right? xD
like you start going from this place wayyy in the east at 12, and as you keep walking to the west the time is still 12. so when you arrive in the west technically like 6 hours after it should still be 12. Haha xD
You probably didn't understand shit of this, but hey at least i tried? xD *proud*
and for those of you who understood it, it's soo smart. admit it! O.o